WARNING! THE CODE IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO GUARANTEES OF ANY KIND! USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK - YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE THIS CODE MAY CAUSE - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! SplitBar component for Delphi Install this unit as a component and you can use whenever you're in need of one or more panels that have to be resized. Click on the bar and drag it around and it will resize the underlying control. The bar works like a panel so it has all the properties you know from TPanel. Added properties are: - SplitOrientation: Choose spHorizontal if you want to split the underlying control horizontally and spVertical for vertical splitting. Sorry for the confusion but I choose the identifiers as meaningful as Borlands Cursor property: You'll have a HSplit cursor when using spHorizontal splitting. - MinOffset/MaxOffset: If you don't want the underlying panel to be resized to the whole window. This software is free. (c) 01-06/1996 by Guido Schoepp email: gus@abo.rhein-zeitung.de